
Inside, Out

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Location: Kelowna, Canada

Saturday, July 8


My fear was now of another kind. I felt sure that the creature was what we call "good," but I wasn't sure whether I like "goodness" so much as I had supposed. This is a very terrible experience.

Lewis, Perelandra, 19

Sunday, July 2

Fun is Overrated

Definition: assign too much value, importance

I've been experiencing an unexpected response to one of my latest T-shirt designs. The shirt has the phrase: "Fun is Overrated" written on it. The point of the shirt is basically that Fun has become the highest ideal of our culture.

What has been strange is that, almost universally, the response has been one of confusion coupled with comments that I must not be having much fun if I believe that. I knew that the exaltation of fun and leisure was a stronghold in our culture but I had no idea that it was so ingrained as to become incomprehensible to us that fun might not be the highest call, or deepest pursuit.

Chilling and amazing.