
Inside, Out

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Location: Kelowna, Canada

Wednesday, August 18

English Tongues

Every once in awhile someone starts to pray for me. They obviously have no idea what is going on inside of me and are not hearing what the Lord is saying but they are very sincere. God may be teaching me the serious depth of His suffering and the person assumes that i am depressed, or tired. Or the person might be praying contrary to the actual season that i am in. It is usually after the person has had a really intense worship time, and they are worked up and burning with Spiritual fervour and they simply, honestly want to share their experience but for whatever reason, they are not praying things that make sense. It used to really bother me. Then, one time God showed me the heart of one of these people and i realized that they were (effectively) praying in tongues but the tongue sounded like English. They were making Spiritual sounds but were trying to speak English, so that the hybrid ended up containing the elements of tongues. Use of the tongue. Anointed prayer. The words didn't matter. Only the heart and the faith to speak did. It gave me a lot more grace for those prayers who seem very insensitive. They aren't praying to me anyways so what do i care what they are saying. Time to go to sleep.

Tuesday, August 10

Driftwood Valley:Excerpts

"... As usual we traveled in complete restful silence. To be able to gain thoughts and impressions all one's own, unsullied by vocal observations from companions, exactly as if one were walking by oneself, is sheer pleasure. This gift of quiet is one which inhabitants of the civilized world don't possess. They don't understand that impressions are often far more impressive if no word is spoken. Besides, when one travels a wilderness, being quiet so that one can really use one's senses of sight and hearing and felling is a necessary safeguard. Though sometimes I accuse J. of being garrulous in polite society (when I am apt be rather quiet), the minute he strikes the wilds J. becomes the big silent man! (J. always adapts himself to environment better than I do.)..."

"...J. told me once how, after traveling all day with an Eskimo across the barrens, he was unable to elicit any verbal response whatever from his companion. Later, in reply to J.'s comment on this mode of companionship, the Eskimo remarked that as they both had eyes and could see the same things, where was the use of talking?..."

Driftwood Valley- Theodora Stanwell-Fletcher

Friday, August 6

Spiritual Defense Part II: Rebellion

Not too long ago i heard something like this spoken:
"For me, getting a tattoo has nothing to do with rebellion, I just don't care what anybody says, I'm going to do it anyway if I want to."

Now you or i would probably notice the obvious inconsistency in the above statement, but the individual who said it did not. (this is not about whether or not getting a tattoo is always a symptom of rebellion but rather about one case where getting a tattoo was clearly a symptom of rebellion) The reason is that there is a spirit of Rebellion involved, and all evil spirits are deceptive spirits.

From this little phrase i extrapolated and realized that every spirit protects itself according to its nature. Every spirit also seems to have a telltale phrase or stream of thought that is attached to it.

Rebellion says "I don't care what anyone else thinks, i'm going to do it anyway, because i want to." Rebellion denies the worth of the person offering reproof however gentley. Rebellion denies the truth behind the reproof. (There is usually at least some truth) A person who honestly ways what is said and then makes a decision one way or the other based on faith that they are doing the right thing is not under rebellion. They may, possibly be under delusion but not rebellion. But the person who rejects all argument based upon the their own preference is under rebellion. This applies whether or not the person offering reproof is in a position of authority or not. If the reproof has any basis in truth, it has authority in and of itself that is rebelled against if it is rejected out of hand. This also applies in the area of personal boundaries as a person has authority over their person. If someone persists in violation of someone's personal boundaries then they are in rebellion.

1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft

In our culture, that has deep sympathy with the spirit of Jezebel, rebellion is often tied to fashion and sensuality. Rebellion is a spirit of witchcraft. Jezebel is a spirit of witchcraft and a spirit of rebellion (ie usurping Ahabs authority). Rebellion is often expressed in a fashion sense. Piercings, tattoos and sensual dress are often (not always) a symptom of rebellion. "Unseemly" language is also often a symptom. Anytime dress (ie sensuality) or words (ie angry language) are used to control; indeed any time anything is used to control another person, witchcraft is involved.

2 Kings 9:30 When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes and adorned her head and looked out the window.

Rebellion often comes into a person's life cloaked in the guise of freedom from "religion".

The person starts off saying:
"Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive."
I Corinthians 10:23

but fails to take ahold of:
"Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor."
I Corinthians 10:24

Whenever we begin to hold our own preferences or desires above anothers feelings or well-being, there is a problem.

That's all for now, i'm going to Osoyoos.