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Location: Kelowna, Canada

Wednesday, March 9

Hope and Hopelessness in the Revival Generation: Postlog

Traditionally, the books of Solomon (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon) have been correlated with a progression from Outer Court to Holy Place to Holy of Holies.

The Proverbs Generation(s) built the prosperous West. The wisdom of God produces wealth, power, a form of righteousness and enjoyment even if followed without the power of God.

The Ecclesiastes Generation (X) has exposed the futility of wisdom, wealth, power, righteousness and enjoyment if experienced without the involvement of God.

The Song of Solomon Generation (?) is finding the superior pleasures of intimacy with Christ.

His love is better than wine.

(Since beginning thought, prayer and writing about the topic of Hope and Hopelessness... i have been drawn, in multiple areas of my life, to pursue deep intimacy with Christ. Dance and the Study of the Song of Songs is literally changing my life. There is nothing on this earth that can compare to the deep fulfillment that comes through an intimate relationship with Christ)

(Mike Bickle (a tough guy raised by a champion boxer) is a wonderful teacher on the Song of Song's and interprets it using the broad outline that has most commonly been used throughout history; that The Song is about the relationship between the people of God and the Messiah. He also sympathetically addressess the weirdness that can result when men begin to interact with the romantic imagery of The Song)

Hope and Hopelessness in the Revival Generation: Part V


It is a historical fact.
It is the word that we have made for a phenomenon that has happened in the past.

The problem is that the fruit cannot be grown without the root. Revival is not what God does. It is the natural result of what God does. It is the fulfillment of God's working out of the prayer "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven" God does not directly cause revival, by Himself. Revival is what God's people accomplish when they come in line with God's heart by being filled with God's Spirit.

Revival cannot be acheived by pursuing Revival.
Revival is the word for all of the things that inevitably happen when God's people come into deep, deep, deep intimacy with Him.


Revival is:
And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me...

...And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."

John 17:22-26

When Jesus prays something, it isn't a suggestion or a request. He is coming in line with the purposes of the Father. It will be accomplished. It is His heart's desire.

Revival is not the goal. Revival Generation is not the identity.

The goal is receiving the Father, loving us (each of us, as a part of the body of Christ) with the exact same love with which He loves the Son.

The goal is receiving the Son, loving us (each of us, as a part of the bride of Christ) with the exact same love with which He loves the Father.

The goal is receiving the Holy Spirit, loving us (each of us, as part of the inheritance of God) with the exact same Glory that He loves Jesus.

The identity is:
His, fully, forever, world without end. Amen and Amen

Hope and Hopelessness in the Revival Generation: Part IV

i thought you said something about the Revival Generation.

Inside the church, a God inspired hope was offered. It was God inspired but poorly pastored, and executed but it is not over.

Generation X was given a name at last. It was given a name and a mandate.

Revival Generation- Joel's Army, The Last Days Hope, History Makers
The children were told that they would accomplish what the parent's hadn't. The problem was that they were not told how to do it or even, really, where to start. They were given freedom, but no boundaries. The were given leadership, but no authority. They were given expectation but not equipping. They were given a mandate, but no timeline. Anointing without character. Holiness without Grace. These are all gross generalizations but are a picture of where many find themselves now.

As always there is reaction: We need more anointing! read your bible less, worship more.
We need more discipline! Emotionalism has no place in the church! Revival is just hype!

Revival hasn't happened (yet is my opinion) and that has left a bit of a problem. What is a Revival Generation without a revival? Oh-oh, we're back to Gen-X again. No identity. We feel like failures but we don't know what (exactly) it is that we are supposed to be accomplishing. What is Revival. How do we get there? What is our purpose and identity.