
Inside, Out

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Location: Kelowna, Canada

Wednesday, August 18

English Tongues

Every once in awhile someone starts to pray for me. They obviously have no idea what is going on inside of me and are not hearing what the Lord is saying but they are very sincere. God may be teaching me the serious depth of His suffering and the person assumes that i am depressed, or tired. Or the person might be praying contrary to the actual season that i am in. It is usually after the person has had a really intense worship time, and they are worked up and burning with Spiritual fervour and they simply, honestly want to share their experience but for whatever reason, they are not praying things that make sense. It used to really bother me. Then, one time God showed me the heart of one of these people and i realized that they were (effectively) praying in tongues but the tongue sounded like English. They were making Spiritual sounds but were trying to speak English, so that the hybrid ended up containing the elements of tongues. Use of the tongue. Anointed prayer. The words didn't matter. Only the heart and the faith to speak did. It gave me a lot more grace for those prayers who seem very insensitive. They aren't praying to me anyways so what do i care what they are saying. Time to go to sleep.