
Inside, Out

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Location: Kelowna, Canada

Wednesday, September 29

Becoming Worthy of the Presence

My most consistent reason, whether conscious or not, to avoid the Presence of God is that i don't feel worthy of His Presence and i don't truly believe that i am worthy of His Presence. Today, in the tub, He showed me a picture of a horse. Not jsut any horse. A very honored horse. the horse that He is riding at the Battle of Armegeddon. i realized that i would love to be that horse. That horse is the creature that is nearest Him in His moment of victory. Really, i would love to be any of the creatures or plants etc. that He interacted with when He was on earth. The donkey that He rode into Jerusalem for instance. i realized that before Jesus hopped onto the donkey, it was just a regular donkey. It was His Presence that made it SuperDonkey.

Basic Systematics (ask me about it some time) states that when any two individuals (systems) interact according to a set of rules one of a few things must happen. Either one individual will be changed by the other according to the rules. They would mutually be changed by one another according to the rules. Or the rules must change to accomodate the interraction.

i come into Jesus Presence (because He allows me to)
i am unworthy to come into His Presence.
His Holiness demands the rule that noone unworthy can come into His Presence.

So, his Holiness cannot conform to my unworthiness.
The rule that noone unworthy can come into His Presence cannot change because of His Holiness (ie His character is the rule, when it comes to interactions with Him)

Therefore, my reality, my unworthiness, must conform to His Holiness. The very reality of my unworthiness, or worthiness bows before His Holiness

"Light was unable to become light, until He commanded it to."


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